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in SUMA by (user.hidden) (690 points)
Need steps to create a new supplier in Windchill SUMA module with new supplier context.

1 Answer

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by (user.hidden) (690 points)
edited by (user.hidden)

Below Windchill logic takes Hashtable input details for creating a Supplier, creates supplier organization if one doesn't exist and returns the created supplier.

 protected WTObject create( Hashtable recordData, Hashtable ibaAttrMap )
            throws WTException {
	   String methodName = CLASSNAME + ".create: ";
	   Supplier supplier = null;
	   String supplierType = (String) getValue(recordData,"SUPPLIERTYPE", true);
       String supplierorg = (String) getValue(recordData,"SUPPLIERORG", true);
       String supplierorg_id = (String) getValue(recordData,"SUPPLIERORG_ID", true);
       String container_organization_name = (String) getValue(recordData,"CONTAINER_ORGANIZATION_NAME", true);
       String lifecycle = (String) getValue(recordData,"LIFECYCLE", true);
       String state = (String) getValue(recordData,"LIFECYCLESTATE", false);
       String type = (String) getValue(recordData,"TYPE", true);
       String container = getValue(recordData, "CONTAINER", true);
       String containertype = getValue(recordData, "CONTAINERTYPE", true);
		if (!(containertype.equalsIgnoreCase("PRODUCT")
				|| containertype.equalsIgnoreCase("ORGANIZATION")
				|| containertype.equalsIgnoreCase("SITE") || containertype
				.equalsIgnoreCase("LIBRARY"))) {
			throw new WTException(
					"Wrong ContainerType:"
							+ containertype
							+ ".ContainerType should be either SITE/LIBRARY/ORGANIZATION/PRODUCT");
		if (!(supplierType.equalsIgnoreCase("VENDOR")
				|| supplierType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANUFACTURER"))) {
			throw new WTException(
					"Wrong SupplierType:"
							+ supplierType
							+ ".SupplierType should be either VENDOR/MANUFACTURER");
       // Return and Inflated Manufacturer Organization 
       DirectoryContextProvider dcp = WTContainerHelper.service.getExchangeContainer().getContextProvider();
       WTOrganization targetOrg = null;

       LoaderCacheManager lcm = LoaderCacheManager.getInstance();
       WTOrganization containerOrg =null;
       StringBuffer containerPath =null;
           // Retrieve the Organization for association to the supplier
    	   logger.debug("Retrieving Organizatin for association with  the supplier...");
    	   containerOrg = WCUtils.getWTOrganization(supplierorg);
       catch(Exception e){
    	   logger.debug("Exceptio caught..."+ e);

       if(containerOrg == null)
   	   targetOrg = OrganizationServicesHelper.manager.getOrganization(supplierorg, dcp);  
    	  targetOrg = containerOrg;

	   String windchillDomain = (String) getValue(recordData,"WINDCHILLDOMAIN", false);
	   logger.debug("WINDCHILL DOMAIN from CSV ..."+windchillDomain);

	   if(windchillDomain == null){
 			windchillDomain = WCDOMAIN;
			logger.debug("WINDCHILL DOMAIN from dmf.properties ..."+windchillDomain);

       //if Org exists create the Supplier otherwise create a new organization on the basis of the Supplier.

       if (targetOrg==null)
			//START of - Code added to create new Organization if one doesn't exist
       	    targetOrg = (WTOrganization)WCUtils.createOrganization(supplierorg, supplierorg_id, windchillDomain);
			catch(WTException e){
				throw new WTException("Wrong WINDCHILLDOMAIN/Incorrect format of WINDCHILLDOMAIN is given");
			//End of - Code added to create new Organization if one doesn't exist
       containerPath = (new StringBuffer("/wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=")).append(container_organization_name);
       WTContainerRef containerRef = WTContainerHelper.service.getByPath(containerPath.toString());
           supplier = Manufacturer.newManufacturer(targetOrg, containerRef.getReferencedContainer());
    	   else if(supplierType.equalsIgnoreCase("VENDOR"))
           supplier = Vendor.newVendor(targetOrg, containerRef.getReferencedContainer());
    	   logger.debug("Setting Lifecycle....");

    	   // START : Modified for setting Lifecycle
			Object lifecycleTemplate = null;
			try {
				lifecycleTemplate = lcm.getLifeCycle(recordData);
			} catch (Exception e) {
				logger.debug("Error in getting Lifecycle Template..." + e);
			if (lifecycleTemplate != null) {
				recordData.put("LifeCycleTemplate", lifecycleTemplate);
			} else {
				throw new WTException("Can't find Lifecycle \""
						+ recordData.get("LIFECYCLE")
						+ "\" in the container \""
						+ container + "\" ("
						+ recordData.get("CONTAINERTYPE") + ").");

			Object obj = recordData.get("LifeCycleTemplate");

			// END : Modified for setting Lifecycle
			if (obj != null && obj instanceof LifeCycleTemplate) {
				LifeCycleTemplate lctemplate = (LifeCycleTemplate) obj;
				LifeCycleHelper.setLifeCycle(supplier, lctemplate);
			} else {
				logger.debug("LifeCycleTemplate is " + obj);
			// End : Modified for setting Lifecycle
           if(state != null)
        	   logger.debug("setting Life Cycle State....");
           supplier = (Supplier)LifeCycleServerHelper.setState(supplier, State.toState(state));

           if(type != null)
           {  //for bug 36910
        	   if((supplierType.equalsIgnoreCase("MANUFACTURER") && type.contains("Manufacturer") )||((supplierType.equalsIgnoreCase("VENDOR") && type.contains("Vendor") ))){
        	   supplier = (Supplier) setType(recordData, supplier);
        		   throw new WTException("SupplierType \""+ supplierType + "\" and type \""+ type + "\" does not match");

           supplier = (Supplier)PersistenceHelper.manager.save(((wt.fc.Persistable) (supplier)));           
       catch(wt.pom.UniquenessException ue)
			throw new WTException(ue.getLocalizedMessage());
       catch(wt.util.WTPropertyVetoException wpe) 
           LoadServerHelper.printMessage("\ncreateWTProduct() caught an exception: " + wpe.getLocalizedMessage());
       catch (Exception e) {
			LoadServerHelper.printMessage("\nsetWTPartAttributes: "
					+ e.getLocalizedMessage());
			throw new WTException(e.getLocalizedMessage());

       return (WTObject)supplier;


Note in the above snippet we have a few helper methods to get an organization if one exists and also to create an organization if one doesn't exist.

public static WTOrganization createOrganization( String supplierorg, String supplierorg_id,String windchillDomain )
	            throws WTException {

		     DirectoryContextProvider dcp = WTContainerHelper.service.getExchangeContainer().getContextProvider();
		     WTOrganization targetOrg = WTOrganization.newWTOrganization (supplierorg,dcp);
			 WTOrganizationIdentifier uniqueId = WTOrganizationIdentifier.newWTOrganizationIdentifier();
			 AdminDomainRef domainRef = null;
				if(windchillDomain != null){
            		domainRef = LoadServerHelper.getTargetDomain(windchillDomain, null, null);
			 }catch(Exception e){
				throw new WTException("Wrong WINDCHILLDOMAIN/Incorrect format of WINDCHILLDOMAIN is given");
             if(domainRef != null){
			 try {
				targetOrg = (WTOrganization)OrganizationServicesHelper.manager.createPrincipal(targetOrg);
				catch (WTPropertyVetoException e)
				return targetOrg;


public static WTOrganization getWTOrganization(String name)
			throws WTException {

		WTOrganization organization = null;
		String prefix = "Organization|";
		StringBuffer organizationKey = (new StringBuffer(prefix)).append(name);

		organization = (WTOrganization) LoadServerHelper
		if (organization == null) {
			QuerySpec qs = new QuerySpec(wt.org.WTOrganization.class);
			qs.appendWhere(new SearchCondition(wt.org.WTOrganization.class,
					"name", "=", name));
			QueryResult qr = PersistenceHelper.manager.find(qs);

			if (qr.hasMoreElements()) {
				while (qr.hasMoreElements()) {
					organization = (WTOrganization) qr.nextElement();
					organizationKey = (new StringBuffer(prefix))


				organizationKey = (new StringBuffer(prefix)).append(name);
				organization = (WTOrganization) LoadServerHelper

		return organization;

Note: In Windchill 11.2+ customers use OData-based REST APIs, currently there is no support provided by PTC on creating a new supplier, we can leverage the above APIs to create the backend logic for a REST action that can take POST JSON payload and develop a implementation logic that can leverage above APIs.

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